A Tarot Light Pole?

May 28th, 2012 § 0 comments

I was out last week looking for more pictures to complete my Graffiti Tarot when I came across some amazing light poles outside of St. Mary’s Church.

They had four symbols painted on their base – a cup, cross, anchor, and a hammer with nails. On top was a candle in a circle.

I believe they were part of a Portuguese Corpus Christi festival, a Catholic celebration of the body and blood of Christ.

#21 The World from the Smith Waite Tarot

But through my Tarot eyes I couldn’t help but see the four symbols from the Minor Arcana topped with one for the Majors.

Take a look …

•cups = cups

•cross = wands

•anchor = pentacles

•hammer with nails = swords

•encircled candle = dancing figure in the World card

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