Slicing Veggies with Cards

August 18th, 2012 § 0 comments

Now here’s something new to do with cards. When you’re tired of just reading with them, or using them to play bridge, why not use them to slice your veggies?

Ye Tongxin from Nanjing in east China’s Jiangsu Province is attempting to set a Guinness World Record for slicing vegetables with playing cards.

His vegetable of choice is the cucumber, or towel gourd.

Ye Tongxin is quite amazing really. Take a look at him in action in the video below. He’s been training for ten years, about two hours a day.

His top speed to date has been slicing 12 cucumbers in 47.2 seconds. To beat the world record though, he needs to cut 18 in 60 seconds.

I wish him luck, but what a crazy thing to be doing!

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