Mercury in Scorpio – Magician in Death’s Clothing

October 16th, 2017 Comments Off on Mercury in Scorpio – Magician in Death’s Clothing

Mercury in Scorpio, the Magician in Death's clothing

Mercury is on its way into Scorpio and will stay there until November 5th.

From a Tarot perspective, this transit would be like the Magician is wearing Death’s clothing. He’s in black armour and riding a white stallion.

Mercury in Scorpio, or the Magician in Death’s clothing, is a good time to concentrate on cycles of change. Use them to inspire, rather than to bring you down, or rehash the past.

With all that’s changing, where do you want to focus next? This is a fabulous time to think that through, clear away any stagnant emotions, and start redirecting yourself towards the future.

It’s easier during this period to talk about what’s passed, even if it usually makes you sad. Reminiscences can be fertile soil for new ideas, and clarity of mind protects against letting things get too sappy.

Surrender with your mind wide open, and don’t be afraid to get deep. Transformative miracles most often start with the magic of the awareness.

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