Mars in Sagittarius – Tower Strikes Temperance

January 3rd, 2020 Comments Off on Mars in Sagittarius – Tower Strikes Temperance

Mars in Sagittarius - Tower Strikes Behind the Temperance Angel

Mars will be moving into Sagittarius and will stay there until February 16th.

From a Tarot perspective, it would be like the Tower’s lightening strikes behind the Temperance Angel. His usually tranquil environment is shaking up around him.

Mars in Sagittarius, or the Tower’s lightening striking behind the Temperance Angel, is a time of energized flexibility.

Though you might be surprised by some of the events swirling around you, you can find strength in the opportunity to let go of old ideas, situations, or relationships that might be hemming you in.

Take control, but be flexible. Attaching yourself too strongly to one particular concept or way of doing things isn’t necessary or even desirable right now.

Keeping yourself balanced as you take action towards change is more important. And for the time being at least, probably a lot easier and more productive.

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