Venus in Virgo – Empress in the Hermit’s Clothing

August 5th, 2024 Comments Off on Venus in Virgo – Empress in the Hermit’s Clothing

Empress as the Hermit - Venus in Virgo

Venus moved into Virgo and will be there until August 29th.

From a Tarot perspective, this transit is like the Empress is wearing the Hermit’s clothing. She’s out in the snow, wearing the robes of a monk.

Venus in Virgo, or the Empress in the Hermit’s clothing is a good time to examine the parts of yourself you normally keep under wraps.

Take the opportunity to look carefully at the experiences you’ve been accumulating. Shift through your own inner shadows, and be unafraid to face whatever you find.

Compassion towards yourself and others will help heal both fears and sorrows, while introspection can provide creative insight you may not have thought possible.

And with all this seriousness, don’t forget to enjoy yourself. There’s as much to celebrate in the dark as there is in the light.

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