Tarot Reader Sues Pennsylvania Burough

August 27th, 2024 Comments Off on Tarot Reader Sues Pennsylvania Burough

Tarot Reader Sues Hanover Burough - Pennsylvania

Apparently, it’s illegal to be paid to read Tarot cards in Pennsylvania.

Beck Lawrence, professional Tarot reader and owner of the Serpent’s Key, in Hanover, Pennsylvania, discovered this fact when the police visited the shop last October and warned Lawrence that they were breaking the law and could be charged in the future.

The law in question is from back in 1861, and states, in part … “A person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree if he pretends for gain or lucre, to tell fortunes or predict future events, by cards, tokens, the inspection of the head or hands of any person, or by the age of anyone, or by consulting the movements of the heavenly bodies, or in any other manner ….” It goes on. You can read the full statute here.

The penalty for such an offence is up to a year in prison, or a fine of up to $2,500.

So … last week, after consulting with their attorney (and maybe the cards?), and under the full blue moon, Lawrence filed suit against the Chief of Police of Hanover in his official capacity, and against Hanover Borough.

The lawsuit claims that the statute violates the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the US Constitution, and the Civil Rights Act of 1871. You can read the lawsuit here.

And check out the video interview below with Beck Lawrence from WGALTV.

We’ll be keeping an eye out for how this goes. I wish Lawrence well.

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