Divine Your Dinner – a tarot cook book

January 31st, 2025 Comments Off on Divine Your Dinner – a tarot cook book

Divine Your Dinner by Courtney McBroom and Melinda Lee Holm

Today we’re looking at the book Divine Your Dinner: A Cookbook for Using Tarot as Your Guide to Magical Meals by Courtney McBroom and Melinda Lee Holm. It was published by Clarkson Potter Publishers in 2021.

8 Points About This Book

  1. Artwork – The graphics and photos are simply gorgeous. The way they mixed Tarot imagery with food makes both seem more delicious. The whole book is really nicely put together – super stylish.
  2. Methods of Use – You can use Divine Your Dinner as a regular cook book, looking up recipes you like and just making them. Or, you can actually Divine Your Dinner, by pulling cards to see what the deck suggests … or, choose a card intentionally and prepare the associated dish or drink to bring that card’s energy towards you, or …
  3. SpellWork – Another way to use Divine Your Dinner is by using the ‘Spells’ chapter where full menus are laid out to bring forth particular goals … things like Abundance, or Clarity, or Fresh Start, or Empowerment … there’s quite a few to choose from.
  4. Full Deck – There’s both a recipe and upbeat positive Tarot advice for each and every card in the deck.
  5. Minor Arcana – Cups are Seafood, Swords are Poultry, Wands are Meats, and Pentacles are Veggies … as a vegetarian myself, that leaves me with mostly Pentacles (and the Major Arcana and Court Cards – see below) … but I’m happy to use meat substitutes for the other suits. And besides, the magical ingredients aren’t necessarily the meats or veggies, but rather the spices used to prepare them.
  6. Court Cards – The Court Cards are all desserts … I’m all for that.
  7. Major Arcana – All the Major cards are associated with a specific ingredient, a recipe, and a mantra … these Major recipes are mostly for cocktails and desserts, delicacies that truly are full of spirit(s).
  8. Magical Pantry – There’s a chapter listing out all the ‘magical’ foods and spices used in the book, describing what they are, where to get them, and their magical properties.

I just love this book. I love the idea of it. I love what it looks like, how it’s put together, and I love how it makes me want to actively add magic to my meals. Oh, and the recipes are good too.


For another look at Tarot and Food … check out my review of the Food Fortunes Deck.

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