Reading Asparagus

February 9th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

I’ve posted before about a man who reads tortillas, but he’s not the only reader that’s chosen an unusual edible medium.

Jemima Packington, presently of Bath, Somerset, reads asparagus, and claims in fact to be the world’s only asparamancer. She says she’s been doing it since she was eight, and likens the process to reading tea leaves.

Her method is quite simple. She takes a handful of asparagus spears and tosses them into the air. How they land is the key to the reading.

Packington looks for clues by seeing which way the spears are pointing, and if any break in the fall. She looks for how they cross each other, what condition the prominent ones are in, and if the pile itself forms a shape.

Take a look at the videos below to see Packington in action. The first shows her predicting the weather for England this winter, while the second shows her actually giving someone a reading.

And to see her predictions for 2012, the British Asparagus Festival has posted a full list.

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