May 11th, 2020 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 5/11/20 § permalink
Monday, May 11, 2020
Ace of Cups
Emotional renewal is the name of the game today. A new way of feeling about something and/or somebody is about to emerge. Perhaps you’re feeling it already – it’s like that first hint of spring or when a magnolia tree finally blossoms after a long cold winter.
Joy and hope are in the air and accessible to you. Throw away any gloom you’ve been dragging around and wake up to the inspiration of postive emotions. There’s a sense that anything can happen and it’s probably going to be good. Be receptive to the love that’s around you and give it back in kind.
May 9th, 2017 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 5/9/17 § permalink
Six of Disks
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
6 of Disks
The reckoning’s done and it’s finally time to dole out the rewards. Have you done your fair share? Are you ready to accept what’s due?
Success is coming to those who have done what they can to manifest their goals. It may seem like manna from heaven but look again – it’s more likely compensation for a job well done.
And don’t forget to thank those who have been helping you. We’re never alone in either our successes or our failures.
February 4th, 2014 § § permalink
#14 Temperance
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
#14 – Temperance
This is a great day to even things out. Balance and temperance are the energies surrounding you now. Can you bring your physical world into harmony with your emotional state?
Temperance is about that perfect mix, neither too much nor too little. It’s about becoming conscious of what you want to be both inside and out, and courageous enough to try.
You are responsible for any healing you might need. The first step is to acknowledge what might be out of balance and then start readjusting.
Sometimes it’s about finding a new way to meld your internal opposites; sometimes it’s about casting out what no longer works. In all cases though, it’s about being true to your self and connecting to the grander universe.
Try asking an angel for some help today. You might be surprised at the result.
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February 3rd, 2012 § § permalink
#1 The Magician
Friday, February 3, 2012
#1 – The Magician
Were you thinking of starting something new? This is the time to do it. The energy of The Magician encourages you to start fresh.
Look around – I bet you have all the tools you need for this new enterprise. It’s only up to you to start making things happen.
Name your goal and start listing the steps you need to get there. Especially important is that first step. It can be big or small – just take it! You’re at the very beginning right now, don’t let the long journey ahead dissuade you from going forward.
You can’t go back, so what the heck? Focus on what it is you want to achieve and you can make anything happen.
Beware though, don’t try fooling yourself or others, there’s no need for deception. It will only lead you down the wrong road right from the start. Stay true to your plan and keep yourself focused.
You can do what you need to without resorting to trickery or lies. It’ll work out much better in the long run if you stick to the truth.
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March 22nd, 2011 § § permalink
10 of Disks
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
10 of Disks
You may have more physical prosperity than you thought. Look around and see the support that’s there.
It’s likely that the money or physical support or whatever it is you need is at hand and that those who said they were behind you really are.
Trust your family and loved ones, they really do have your back and were never going to let you fall.
Open yourself to abundance and you might be surprised at how much is there for you.
And when you prosper, don’t forget to be generous. No one ever does it all on their own (even when we think we do). We all need each other, and it’s through sharing that we discover our true wealth.
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March 3rd, 2011 § § permalink
2 of Disks
Thursday, March 3, 2011
2 of Disks
There’s so much to do right now you probably feel you can’t keep up. Don’t worry – you can.
Just keep things in motion and try to stay focused on whatever task you’re working on at each particular moment. You’ve got more than enough energy for everything right now, try not to give up.
Emotionally things might get a little hairy, but as with your work, you’re more than able to cope.
The changes going on in your life right now are good ones. You’ve put them into motion yourself and you’ll be just fine.
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December 2nd, 2010 § § permalink
2 of Wands
Thursday, December 2, 2010
2 of Wands
This is a day for looking forward. You’ve got some time and you’re in a good position to look around and see what you want to do next. The world is literally in your hands and it’s up to you to decide the next move.
What is it that makes you feel most in control of your domain? What is it that makes you feel you’re really doing what you’re supposed to be doing?
Don’t rush this – it takes some serious consideration. Use this time to start getting a grip on your destiny. You’re in charge of this one. Don’t be afraid to take control. Your option is to let someone else.
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December 1st, 2010 § § permalink
Queen of Swords
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Queen of Swords
The truth is an important commodity to you right now. Getting through the fog and cutting out that which no longer works for you is priority. You might be feeling a little hardcore, a little less sympathetic to sob stories and other tales of woe than usual. That’s alright. Sometimes it’s more important to be clear than to be sweet.
Get the job done and do it with the determination, diligence and discernment that you expect from others. Keep in mind though that the bigger picture includes compassion. You need not be cruel or mean to be truthful and serious. Not everyone is as tough-skinned as you are right now, so be aware of the potential effect your words might have.
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November 1st, 2010 § § permalink
#12 - The Hanged Man
Monday, November 1, 2010
#12 – The Hanged Man
This isn’t the day for action. It’s time to slow down and take a close look at what’s been going on. And if you can do it from a different perspective – great! Choose a comfortable place to relax and review what you’ve been up to. It might seem like a sacrifice, but it’s well worth it.
Are there patterns in your life that seem to becoming more obvious than usual? This is a wonderful time to pay attention to how you’re life’s been going these last three months or so. Does it remind you of another time – maybe 12 years ago? Look carefully at any people, places or things from your past (or that remind you of the past) that might unexpectedly appear. They might be highlighting particular areas in your life you’re repeating. Is it a repetition you’re happy with?
After you’ve done some review, start thinking about where you want to go next. Your old ways are almost over. Think about the new patterns you want to develop – you’ll be ready to start them soon enough. For now, relax, review and let yourself imagine?
the hanged man swings
October 29th, 2010 § § permalink
Ace of Disks
Friday, October 29, 2010
Ace of Disks
Start that new project now! I know it’s just the beginning and you can hardly see how it’s going to manifest, but manifest it will. The Ace of Disks is the seed that begins all new physical realities.
Is it a new job? A novel approach to an old one? Trying to get a project off the ground? Starting a new workout or eating regime? It doesn’t matter if you don’t have all the details yet. What’s important right now is to start working. Do it with the confidence that it’s going to succeed – in the real world.
All great trips require a first step. This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. Take the step and start your journey to prosperity.