Take a look at the video below. It’s another installment of Tarot Pete by Donnaleigh de LaRose.
This time around, the adorable puppet muses about the Strength card, reminding us that sometimes being strong is simply a matter of letting go of the Lion …
You or your client pulls a card and all you can do is stare at it while not a single thought comes to mind. You’re completely blank.
If, or more correctly, when it happens to you, try not to panic. The Tarot window might slam shut for a moment, but it’s usually pretty easy to open it right back up.
One of the best techniques to use is to simply look at the card in question and start literally describing what you see.
No metaphoric meanings or memorized explanations, just look at the card and say what’s there.
If it’s the Magician, you might say something like,
’A man is standing with his right arm raised, holding a bar above his head while his left hand points to the ground. He’s behind a table on which are placed a sword, a stick, a cup and a pentacle. Roses and lilies grow in front of him and more roses hang from above. A snake forms a belt at his waist.’
Stay with the picture and it will lead you back into the reading. After describing the image literally, the metaphors typically begin to flow.
The literal description might remind you that there are tools at hand for your client, and that it’s important that they stand up and raise the bar a little higher.
They might be encouraged to see the beauty around them and to recognize the renewal that is taking place at their core level.
Any number of things might come to mind as long as you’re open to it and allow the image to speak rather than trying desperately to ‘remember’ what the card is meant to mean.
In the video below, which inspired this post, Dixie of aFoolsJourney.com nicely illustrates this ‘talk through the brain freeze’ technique. Take a look.
On tonight’s show, Mike will be giving us a Tarot tutorial. We’ll be looking at:
• Non-positional readings aka Dynamic Readings
• Telling a story through Tarot, and
• Considering context in a spread, ex. when good cards land in bad spots
There’s going to be lots of learning so bring your notebook and get the class handout here. It’ll to be good.
Beyond Worlds w/Mike Hernandez (live or in archive)
Sunday, January 23, 2011
7:00 pm EST (4:00 pm PST)
call in number: (646) 200-0765