Mercury Goes Direct!

August 7th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

#1 The Magician from Georgie's Tarot

Yay!!! Mercury goes direct today!! The Magician is finally starting to pick up speed and move forward.

I tried to be upbeat about this astrological cycle in my post three weeks ago, but this Mercury Retrograde has been sort of tough.

With Mercury being the planet of communication and transportation, when it slows down, things can get a little haywire in both these areas. And it was.

The biggest manifestation has to be the failure of four electrical grids in India last week that resulted in the loss of electricity for over 670 million people.

Talk about slowing things down. I can only imagine.

But on a personal level, my own computer networks acted crazy too. Sure I was able to dig through things that needed to be reorganized, but only because everything around me seemed to fall apart.

Computer servers didn’t serve, programs didn’t open, and information typically had to be relayed once, twice, sometimes three times before it was clear. And even then it wasn’t always.

My own transportation and travel went relatively smoothly this time round, but read Theresa Reed’s blog about her attempts to get to the TABI Tarot conference in England.

If ever there was a story of Mercury messing with someone, that’s it.

To be fair though, as I predicted (and hoped), this planetary slow down did bring some old friends back into my world, even for a brief visit, and that was great.

But happy reunions or not, I’m glad that this cycle’s done for a while. It feels like I just caught up to where I was three weeks ago. Now it’s finally time to charge ahead! Go!!

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