Mercury in Sagittarius – Magician in Temperance's Clothing

Mercury in Sagittarius, or the Magician in Temperance's Clothing

Magician as Temperance

Looking at this transit from a Tarot perspective, it’s like the Magician is wearing Temperance’s clothing. His cape has turned into wings and he’s playing with water.

The Magician is the master of his will, able to direct the universe with the focus of his thoughts.

He’s clear, quick, and an inspiration to be around. New ideas and fresh perspectives flow easily through him as he reaches beyond the limits.

He communicates without effort, rarely if ever at a loss for words. And he’s able to charm or curse with the flip of a finger.

Temperance is more concerned with the inner realms, focusing his energy on the magic of balance.

With one foot on the earth and one on the water, he’s able to remain upright, unconstrained by natural laws.

He’s dynamic but sure, and a master of emotional equanimity.

The Magician enjoys his time as Temperance. He appreciates the magic of the angels, and likes playing in new dimensions.

Mercury in Sagittarius, or the Magician in Temperance’s clothing, can be a time of balanced inspiration.

It’s great for expressing ideas that might normally seem too big to consider. Give them some thought, you never know what you’ll come up with.

Issues or situations that seemed impossible to figure out might suddenly come together, as if by divine inspiration.

But really it’s clear vision and a good dose of faith that’s probably at work. Direct it with will and you can make miracles happen.

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