Mercury in Taurus – Magician in the Hierophant’s Clothing

Magician in the Hierophant's Clothing

Magician as Hierophant

Translated into Tarot, this transit would be like the Magician is wearing the Hierophant’s clothing. He’s replaced his light robes for heavy holy vestments.

The Magician communicates, directs, and initiates. He’s quick, inventive and inspirational.

His speed of thought and unique perspective makes up for lack of consistency. Overly structured paradigms only dampen his creative brilliance.

The Magician relishes freedom, sunlight and the opportunity to start something fresh. He works outside and likes to have as many tools at his disposal as possible.

The Hierophant also communicates, directs and initiates. But he does it from a place of structured morality, a throne and a church.

He likes to be in charge, and sees his role as conductor of the faith. Consistency and tradition are essentials.

Unless it comes from the Hierophant himself, anything new should be questioned. Anything outside the box should be brought in.

Mercury in Taurus, or the Magician wearing the Hierophant’s clothing is a time when communication might take a turn towards the spiritual, and the rules of morality.

Tradition, faith, and religious world views are all open for discussion and some conflict might be expected between new ideas and old.

This is a period when it’s not good enough to just say one thing, then jump on over to the next. You might be asked to stop and focus.

Say for real what you believe. And don’t fall for, or become, a trickster guru.

Take this opportunity to review what you have faith in. Look at it from all sides and be willing to play with the ideas.

New life can be pumped into stale old structures, and solid traditions can offer grounding to inspiration.

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