Tarot As Muse: Humboldt Artists Interpret the Major Arcana

July 19th, 2012 § 0 comments

If you’re in Eureka, California, or anywhere nearby, and want to see some lovely Tarot art, get down to the Ink People’s Ink Annex gallery to see Tarot As Muse: Humboldt Artists Interpret the Major Arcana.

Under the co-curatorship of mask artist Kathryne DeLorme and Tarot expert Carolyn Ayres, 23 artists have created both an art show and a Tarot deck.

Twenty-two artists randomly chose one card each from the Major Arcana. They researched their cards, then reinterpreted them from their own artistic and spiritual perspectives.

A 23rd artist was chosen to create the card backs.

You can see some of the cards at the Humboldt Artists blog, but if you get to the gallery before the end of July, you can see them all in person and buy a copy of the limited edition deck for yourself.

You can also sign up for a Tarot workshop on Saturday, July 21st with Carolyn Ayers, and/or take part in the Tarot masquerade on Saturday, July 28th.

Fortunately, for those of us not in California, though we’ll miss all the in-person fun, we can still get a copy of the deck if we want. It’s available on-line at the Ink People’s website.

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