Monday, November 9, 2015
#5 – The Hierophant
Spiritual questions and tradition are highlighted during this period. It’s probably important to you now to look carefully at the spiritual structures in your life. Why do you believe what you do? Who are your spiritual authorities and what gives them their legitimacy? Who decides issues of morality for you, your family and/or your community?
Many of these questions are answered with cultural traditions. Today, you’ll probably be examining whether or not the answers you’re accustomed to are still satisfactory. They might be or they might not be. Don’t be afraid to seek out your truth simply because it rubs against your comfort zone. Sometimes growth hurts a bit.
You might be asked to judge someone else’s dispute, or find the need to go to an authority for answers yourself. Keep your mind open, but your skepticism on. Ultimately, you’re the only one who can decide whether something makes sense for your life or not.
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