Contemporary Magic: A Tarot Deck Art Project is on tour and has made it to Pittsburgh.
The Andy Warhol Museum is presenting the show through August 7th. I wrote about it last November when it was at the National Arts Club in New York City.
It looked great then and looks great now. Curated by Stacy Engman, the deck is a collective work by the very hippest of contemporary artists.
Warhol himself made it in, immortalized as Patrick McMullan’s Hanged Man.
The fashion world is well represented. The 9 of Cups is by Christian Louboutin, the Chariot by Vivienne Westwood, and Marc Jacobs created the Knight of Pentacles. Karl Lagerfeld made himself the King of Wands.
The show in Pittsburgh has an added bonus. Running in conjunction with Contemporary Magic, is the film The Velvet Underground Tarot Cards.
Directed by Andy Warhol, it documents each member of The Velvet Underground having their cards read at some super cool apartment party in 1966.
Sounds amazing.
If you’re in the Pittsburgh area, go see it.
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