Tarot Card of the Day – 10/11/17

October 11th, 2017 Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 10/11/17

Queen of Disks from Georgie's Tarot

Queen of Disks

Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Queen of Disks

It looks like you may have set yourself up just right. You’ve created the space you’re in through determined effort and hard work.

Step by step you’ve manifested your own prosperity and this is a wonderful time to enjoy it. It hasn’t always be easy but the rewards are well worth it.

Be generous with your prosperity, and kind to those that haven’t quite done it yet. People might come to you for practical advice or help. Or maybe it will be you taking that step to approach a kindly soul who could help you.

Don’t hesitate either to help or to ask for help. We’re here for each other and create the most beautiful of worlds when we work together.

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