May 31st, 2011 § § permalink

Before and After - Noblet and Flornoy
There’s sad news in the Tarot world with the passing of master card maker and Tarot scholar Jean–Claude Flornoy. He died last week on May 24th in Sainte-Suzanne, France.
Flornoy successfully took on the monumental task of restoring the Marseille Tarot to its original glory. Not just once, but three times.
He was responsible for the faithful restoration of the Nicolas Conver, the Jean Noblet and the Jean Dodal versions of the Tarot of Marseille.
He also worked on some of the majors from Jacques Viéville’s Tarot.
Flornoy had an incredible eye for detail, a deep understanding of the art, history and spirit of the imagery, and a devotion to his work. His contribution to Tarot was enormous.
Jean-Claude Flornoy was a gift to us all, and will be missed.
Enrique Enriquez did a fabulous interview with Flornoy in February 2010. You can read it here.
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May 31st, 2011 § § permalink

High Priestess dressed as Lovers' Angel
The Moon moves into Gemini today and will stay there until Friday.
From a Tarot perspective, this transit would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Lovers’ Angel. She floats above the naked couple, blessing their sacred union.
The Moon in Gemini, or High Priestess dressed as the Lovers’ angel, can be an emotionally confusing time, one where internal conflicts arise in order to be reconciled.
But it can also be a time of clarity, honest communication and almost intuitive understanding about yourself and those around you.
Quiet faith teams up with commitment and the Angels approve of the whole thing.
Try to keep your emotions in line with your reason. Going too far either way could disturb a really nice balance.
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May 31st, 2011 § § permalink

2 of Disks
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
2 of Disks
There’s so much to do right now you probably feel you can’t keep up. Don’t worry – you can.
Just keep things in motion and try to stay focused on whatever task you’re working on at each particular moment. You’ve got more than enough energy for everything right now, try not to give up.
Emotionally things might get a little hairy, but as with your work, you’re more than able to cope.
The changes going on in your life right now are good ones. You’ve put them into motion yourself and you’ll be just fine.
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May 30th, 2011 § § permalink

Do you tweet?
If you do, and you love Tarot, you should definitely play along with some of the Tarot Twitter games going on everyday in the virtual land of 140 key strokes.
First off, there’s the #amtarot and #pmtarot, run by @thetarotlady, aka Theresa Reed. Every morning and every evening, Theresa posts one card for the world to comment on.
Descriptions are all over the map, some really serious, some hysterically funny. They’re always interesting.
Another great game, run by Beyond Worlds’ own Donnaleigh de LaRose, or @DonnaleighDLR, is #tarotpic.
Each day, Donnaleigh posts a picture and asks, ‘If this picture were a tarot card, which one would it be? What do you see?’
The pictures she chooses really get you thinking, and brilliantly illustrate how Tarot can be found everywhere in our lives.
Another popular game, and the last I’ll describe for now, is run by @mzzlee. Its hashtag is #tarotToo, and it’s a combo exercise.
Daughn posts two cards each day, asking participants to, ‘COMBO THIS! … What do these 2 cards say to us when they appear together in a reading?’
It’s a fabulous game that gets you thinking about how card energies merge. The answers people come up with are remarkable.
Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, it’s fun to play. And a worth while learning experience for everyone.
Keeping answers short, meaningful and public, forces you to really focus on what you’re trying to say. All three of these games are great ways to exercise your Tarot.
If you’re not already playing and want to, all you have to do is follow @thetarotlady, @DonnaleighDLR, and @mzzlee. Then watch for their posts, and respond, including the particular hashtag in your tweet.
And if you’re not following me yet, follow me now! And say hi when you do!
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May 30th, 2011 § § permalink

6 of Swords
Monday, May 30, 2011
6 of Swords
This is a good day to get your thoughts as clear as possible. You’ve got some emotional issues that require honest focused attention. To move forward with your commitment to self, it’s really important that you get your thoughts straight.
What choices are you being asked to make at this time? Look them squarely in the face and choose. If you can’t choose now, when do you think you can? At least decide that. Ask yourself what will bring you closer to your own truth – a union of mind, body and soul.
You’re sharp as a tack today. Take advantage of the energy to decide what needs deciding. You can do it. How will you get to your next step if you don’t?
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May 29th, 2011 § § permalink

Here’s another Tarot event that’s coming up fast …
The Omega Tarot Conference will be held from July 29-31 in gorgeous Rhinebeck, New York. This year’s topic is Tarot: Fate & Free Will.
Rachel Pollack and Mary K. Greer host the event, and this year they’ve invited three especially talented Tarot teachers to join them.
Toronto’s own, James Wells, author of Tarot for Manifestation, will be there. As will the founder of Tarot Professionals, Marcus Katz.
To fill out the roster will be Ellen Lorenzi-Prince, creator of Tarot of the Crone and Tarot Paper Dolls.
From the beauty of the Hudson Valley, to the brilliance of the company and the magic of the cards, this is going to be an amazing retreat. Get there if you can.
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May 29th, 2011 § § permalink

High Priestess in Hierophant's Clothes
The Moon moves into Taurus today and stays there until Tuesday.
If you look at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Hierophant. She’s sitting before two acolytes and sharing the secrets she usually guards.
The Moon in Taurus, or High Priestess in the Hierophant’s clothes, is a time of spiritual and emotional certitude.
There’s a sense that the truth can be explained, understood and incorporated into daily life. Rules can and should be followed.
Instead of trying to force others to recognize what you know to be certain, try using this time to simply share your emotional, intellectual and spiritual perceptions.
Celebrate the diversity of spirit in our world, while figuring out for yourself what rules, spiritual or otherwise, work best for you.
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May 29th, 2011 § § permalink

Prince of Disks
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Prince of Disks
It’s a good time to get to work. Nothing exciting, just keep moving forward step by step. It’ll go a lot faster now that you’re seriously on your way.
Enjoy this building process. You’re making steady progress. If you keep moving like this, you’ll reach your goals soon.
And if you’re feeling a little dull because all you do is work, work and plan for more work, that’s okay. That’s what the energy is right now and you might as well go with it.
Creating stability is worth the effort. There’ll be plenty of time for fun soon enough.
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May 28th, 2011 § § permalink

Patrick McMullan, The Hanged Man (Andy Warhol as the “Invisible Sculpture” at Area, NYC), 1985/2010
Contemporary Magic: A Tarot Deck Art Project is on tour and has made it to Pittsburgh.
The Andy Warhol Museum is presenting the show through August 7th. I wrote about it last November when it was at the National Arts Club in New York City.
It looked great then and looks great now. Curated by Stacy Engman, the deck is a collective work by the very hippest of contemporary artists.
Warhol himself made it in, immortalized as Patrick McMullan’s Hanged Man.
The fashion world is well represented. The 9 of Cups is by Christian Louboutin, the Chariot by Vivienne Westwood, and Marc Jacobs created the Knight of Pentacles. Karl Lagerfeld made himself the King of Wands.
The show in Pittsburgh has an added bonus. Running in conjunction with Contemporary Magic, is the film The Velvet Underground Tarot Cards.
Directed by Andy Warhol, it documents each member of The Velvet Underground having their cards read at some super cool apartment party in 1966.
Sounds amazing.
If you’re in the Pittsburgh area, go see it.
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May 28th, 2011 § § permalink

#3 The Empress
Saturday, May 28, 2011
#3 – The Empress
Creation and the celebration of the senses are highlighted today. Art, food, music – anything that inspires our physical and emotional selves will inspire you and be well worth the time.
Nurture yourself and others. It’ll probably be hard not to. Nurturance isn’t just a luxury. You need to maintain and even increase your strength in order to create what you’ve been working on. Eat delicious, healthy foods, surround yourself with beauty, take warm, aromatic baths . . . it’s all part of the Empress’ path to creation.
If you’ve been dealing with issues surrounding motherhood, women, or femininity in general, this would be a great day to take a closer look. There’s wonderful energy now to help you resolve issues you might have thought irresolvable.
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