Moon in Taurus – High Priestess in the Hierophant’s Clothing

December 31st, 2022 § Comments Off on Moon in Taurus – High Priestess in the Hierophant’s Clothing § permalink

The High Priestess dressed as the Hierophant

The Moon moved into Taurus and stays there until Tuesday.

If you look at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Hierophant. She’s sitting before two acolytes and sharing the secrets she usually guards.

The Moon in Taurus, or High Priestess in the Hierophant’s clothes, is a time of spiritual and emotional certitude.

There’s a sense that the truth can be explained, understood and incorporated into daily life. Rules can and should be followed.

Instead of trying to force others to recognize what you know to be certain, try using this time to simply share your emotional, intellectual and spiritual perceptions.

Celebrate the diversity of spirit in our world, while figuring out for yourself what rules, spiritual or otherwise, work best for you.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 12/31/22

December 31st, 2022 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 12/31/22 § permalink

Six of Disks from Georgie's Tarot

Saturday, December 31, 2022
6 of Disks

The reckoning’s done and it’s finally time to dole out the rewards.  Have you done your fair share?  Are you ready to accept what’s due?

Success is coming to those who have done what they can to manifest their goals.  It may seem like manna from heaven but look again – it’s more likely compensation for a job well done.

And don’t forget to thank those who have been helping you. We’re never alone in either our successes or our failures.

Ace of Cups

December 30th, 2022 § Comments Off on Ace of Cups § permalink

A Graffiti Ace of Cups …

Tarot Card of the Day – 12/30/22

December 30th, 2022 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 12/30/22 § permalink

Page of Disks from Georgie's Tarot

Friday, December 30, 2022
Page of Disks

It’s time to get down to the details.  A new project is in the works and you’ve got the task of making it happen – or at least starting the process off.

Keep the reason you’re doing it in mind – that’s the fire that drives the whole enterprise.

If the less than exciting details are getting you down, remember that it’s the details that build the foundation to any project.

Don’t be afraid to sludge and trudge on through.  It’ll be worth it in the end.

Moon in Aries – High Priestess in the Emperor’s Clothing

December 29th, 2022 § Comments Off on Moon in Aries – High Priestess in the Emperor’s Clothing § permalink

High Priestess dressed as the Emperor

The Moon moves into Aries today and will stay there until Saturday.

Translating this transit into Tarot cards, it would be like the High Priestess is wearing the Emperor’s clothing. She’s in scarlet and armor and is ready for battle.

The Moon in Aries, or High Priestess in the clothing of the Emperor, is a time of intensified emotions. You might feel an increased desire to shape your own world.

Rather than sitting back in stillness, this transit encourages the loosening of emotional restrictions and the conscious expression of enthusiasm and/or passion.

It might be uncomfortable at first, but allow yourself to speak out loud. Take steps forward to let people know what you know and what you love.

Try to remain objective and open-minded while acting with determination and direction. It might sound impossible, but you can do both if you try.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 12/29/22

December 29th, 2022 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 12/29/22 § permalink

Queen of Wands from Georgie's Tarot

Thursday, December 29, 2022
Queen of Wands

Be yourself and be it fully. This is a day for you to shine. You know yourself and you’ve been true to your soul. It’s always worth it and now you’re remembering why.

As you harness your energy to create your will, do so with compassion. Remember what you suffered to get to your present state. Have compassion for those that are still struggling. They can use your inspiration, but remember your strength. Be careful not to burn them.

December 28th, 2022 § Comments Off on § permalink

A Graffiti Page of Swords …

Tarot Card of the Day – 12/28/22

December 28th, 2022 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 12/28/22 § permalink

#11 Strength from Georgie's Tarot

Wednesday, December 28, 2022
#11 – Strength

Learn to direct your inner wildness during this period of fiery intensity and your personal power is likely to grow.  Innocence and purity work together to balance your passion with wisdom.

Explore ways to act assertively but without aggression.  The gentle touch might go a lot further than a loud voice or an impetuous rage.

It’s a very creative time and you’re encouraged to allow yourself room to flourish.  Don’t be shy.  This is the moment to take action and move forward with plans you may have held off on until now.

Moon in Pisces – High Priestess in the Moon’s Clothing

December 27th, 2022 § Comments Off on Moon in Pisces – High Priestess in the Moon’s Clothing § permalink

Moon in Pisces - High Priestess in the Moon's Clothing

The Moon moves into Pisces today and stays there until Thursday.

Described in Tarot cards, this transit would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Moon. She’s lost her material body and has disappeared into the celestial body that usually rests at her feet.

The Moon in Pisces, or High Priestess dressed as the Moon, is a time of increased perception, ill-defined understanding and what might be described as night vision.

During this time you could find your dreams feel more real than your daylight hours and what’s not said is louder than what is.

Fears might grow like a boogieman under the bed, but if you just take a peek, they’re as likely to be dust bunnies as demons or ghosts.

Be still, aware and fearless. It might be dark outside, but if there was ever a time you can navigate the unknown, this is it. Listen, breathe, flow.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 12/27/22

December 27th, 2022 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 12/27/22 § permalink

8 of Disks from Georgie's Tarot
8 of Disks

Tuesday, December 27, 2022
8 of Disks

Get down to work. Nothing exciting going on, except maybe the chance to get more done than you thought you would.

Follow the template and don’t worry about being particularly innovative today. It’s probably more important to just get it done.

To motivate yourself try remembering that what you’re working on now is setting you up for your future. Put in the effort and it’ll ultimately pay off.

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