Moon in Leo – High Priestess in Strength’s Clothing

July 31st, 2019 § Comments Off on Moon in Leo – High Priestess in Strength’s Clothing § permalink

The High Priestess in Strength's Clothing

The Moon moves into Leo today and stays there until Friday.

Translated into Tarot cards, this transit would be like the High Priestess is wearing Strength’s clothing. She’s thrown off her heavy cape and is spending some time outside with her lion.

The Moon in Leo, or High Priestess in Strength’s clothing is potentially a time of emotional power. Something beautiful that’s usually under wraps can finally be revealed.

The silence is broken. Quiet wisdom and passion can be united. During this time, it might be difficult to keep your ideas to yourself. But why should you?

Try finding an outlet for plans you’ve been sitting on? This is an opportunity to shine if you’re not over-burdened by self-consciousness.

It might feel a little uncomfortable at first, but letting your wilder side out right now could be positive. The sun isn’t always shining. Take advantage of it when it does.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 7/31/19

July 31st, 2019 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 7/31/19 § permalink

Page of Wands from Georgie's Tarot

Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Page of Wands

New energy and general enthusiasm are your gifts for today.  It’s time to start moving towards your dreams.

It might be just the beginning, but you have to start somewhere and you have the energy and passion to do it right now.  Why wait?

Look into your heart and see what makes it stand up and sing.  That’s the sign that you’re on the right track.

Be fearless and fun and see where it takes you.

Ace of Disks

July 30th, 2019 § Comments Off on Ace of Disks § permalink

A Nutty Ace of Disks …

Ace of Disks - Toronto Graffiti Tarot

Tarot Card of the Day – 7/30/19

July 30th, 2019 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 7/30/19 § permalink

Prince of Cups from Georgie's Tarot

Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Prince of Cups

You’ll probably be feeling quite loving today.  Emotions are open and flowing and you’re getting along with everyone.

People will likely find you even more attractive than usual, and you them.  But don’t confuse that with getting serious.

Emotions may have been high lately, or at least all over the place. You might find yourself thinking a lot about what in life (and love) truly makes you happy.

It’s a good time to think about it. But don’t worry, there’s no need to make any firm commitments right now.  Just look around you and experience what life has to offer.

You’re in the process of building a new emotional maturity. Enjoy and play friendly.

Moon in Cancer – High Priestess Dressed as the Charioteer

July 29th, 2019 § Comments Off on Moon in Cancer – High Priestess Dressed as the Charioteer § permalink

The High Priestess dressed as the Chariot

The Moon moves into Cancer today, and stays there until Tuesday.

Looking at this transit through the lens of the Tarot, you might describe it as the High Priestess dressed in the clothing of the Charioteer. She’s left the safety of her pillars and veil, and has hit the road.

The Moon in Cancer, or the High Priestess dressed as the Charioteer, can be a powerful time of comfortable change and emotional resilience.

Knowledge gathered in silence has coalesced and it’s time to share without fear of being hurt.

Emotional loyalty, intuitive direction and strength of character can give you the resolve to go forward. Even into the unknown.

Try not to coddle yourself. You can only win if you have the courage to play to the end.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 7/29/19

July 29th, 2019 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 7/29/19 § permalink

#4 The Emperor from Georgie's Tarot

Monday, July 29, 2019
#4 – The Emperor

You can expect a day of fiery energy and powerful determination.  In whatever you do today, you’re encouraged to do it with strength and creativity – in fact it would be hard not to.  Within your domain you’re the one in charge, so manifest your will.

What have you been wanting to create in your world?  Start making it really happen!

While you’re encouraged to take your power and run with it, there is a challenge associated with the Emperor.  Remember – not everyone might want to do things your way.  Everyone thinks they’re right.

Sometimes you have to give a little.  If you don’t, don’t be surprised if other people start rearing their own Emperor energy and you’re smack dab in the middle of a fight.

Masculine energy is strongly indicated with the Emperor card and issues surrounding males, especially those in authority are likely during this time.  Stay strong and true and you won’t go wrong.

Venus in Leo – Empress Dressed in Strength’s Clothing

July 28th, 2019 § Comments Off on Venus in Leo – Empress Dressed in Strength’s Clothing § permalink

Empress Dressed in Strength's Clothing - Venus in Leo

Venus has moved into Leo and will stay there until August 21st.

From a Tarot perspective, it’s like the Empress is dressed in Strength’s clothing. She’s wearing white and playing with a lion.

Venus in Leo, or the Empress in Strength’s clothing, is a good time to turn your passion towards the nurturance of others.

It feels good right now to share. There’s power in devotion.

Emotions could run high, especially when it comes to questions of art, love and women in general. But that can be good, as long as you don’t force your feelings on others.

Try to avoid righteousness, even if it’s coming from a place of deep concern. Love should be flowing, not a tool of control.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 7/28/19

July 28th, 2019 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 7/28/19 § permalink

Two of Wands from Georgie's Tarot

Sunday, July 28, 2019
2 of Wands

This is a day for looking forward.  You’ve got some time and you’re in a good position to look around and see what you want to do next.  The world is literally in your hands and it’s up to you to decide the next move.

What is it that makes you feel most in control of your domain?  What is it that makes you feel you’re really doing what you’re supposed to be doing?

Don’t rush this – it takes some serious consideration.  Use this time to start getting a grip on your destiny.  You’re in charge of this one.  Don’t be afraid to take control.  Your option is to let someone else.

Moon in Gemini – High Priestess Dressed as the Lovers’ Angel

July 27th, 2019 § Comments Off on Moon in Gemini – High Priestess Dressed as the Lovers’ Angel § permalink

high priestess as the lovers' angel

The Moon moves into Gemini today and will stay there until Monday.

From a Tarot perspective, this transit would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Lovers’ Angel. She floats above the naked couple, blessing their sacred union.

The Moon in Gemini, or High Priestess dressed as the Lovers’ angel, can be an emotionally confusing time, one where internal conflicts arise in order to be reconciled.

But it can also be a time of clarity, honest communication and almost intuitive understanding about yourself and those around you.

Quiet faith teams up with commitment and the Angels approve of the whole thing.

Try to keep your emotions in line with your reason. Going too far either way could disturb a really nice balance.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 7/27/19

July 27th, 2019 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 7/27/19 § permalink

#17 The Star from Georgie's Tarot

Saturday, July 27, 2019
#17 – The Star

Optimism and rejuvenation are the themes for the day.  Active generosity and compassion come easy so don’t hold back.  Give and you will receive.

Embrace the Universe’s capacity to provide you with what you need when you need it most.  That’s what miracles are and the Star is the goddess of miracles.

If things have been tough lately, now’s a time when you can finally lean back and take a bit of a break.  Surround yourself with as much beauty as you can.  It will help to replenish your soul.

Art, music, and the glory of the night sky are all worthy subjects of meditation.  Let them fill you with the inspiration you need for the next leg of your journey.

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