A Graffiti Chariot …

April 30th, 2019 § Comments Off on The Chariot § permalink
A Graffiti Chariot …
April 30th, 2019 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 4/30/19 § permalink
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Queen of Wands
Be yourself and be it fully. This is a day for you to shine. You know yourself and you’ve been true to your soul. It’s always worth it and now you’re remembering why.
As you harness your energy to create your will, do so with compassion. Remember what you suffered to get to your present state. Have compassion for those that are still struggling. They can use your inspiration, but remember your strength. Be careful not to burn them.
Take pride in your self and your work and be the best you can.
April 29th, 2019 § Comments Off on 3 of Wands § permalink
A Graffiti 3 of Wands …
April 29th, 2019 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 4/29/19 § permalink
Monday, April 29, 2019
8 of Wands
Swift communication is at the forefront today. Have you applied for something and been waiting to hear back? Expecting some news to finally come down the wire?
Or maybe it will be a surprise. One way or another, the message is on its way and your wait is almost over. You’ll know soon enough.
Now that your plans are in action, things will start moving quickly. Communicate what you want and don’t be shy about it.
How else will people know what you’re thinking? This is the time to get your ideas out there and your message heard.
April 28th, 2019 § Comments Off on Moon in Pisces – High Priestess in the Moon’s Clothing § permalink
The Moon moves into Pisces today and stays there until Tuesday.
Described in Tarot cards, this transit would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Moon. She’s lost her material body and has disappeared into the celestial body that usually rests at her feet.
The Moon in Pisces, or High Priestess dressed as the Moon, is a time of increased perception, ill-defined understanding and what might be described as night vision.
During this time you could find your dreams feel more real than your daylight hours and what’s not said is louder than what is.
Fears might grow like a boogieman under the bed, but if you just take a peek, they’re as likely to be dust bunnies as demons or ghosts.
Be still, aware and fearless. It might be dark outside, but if there was ever a time you can navigate the unknown, this is it. Listen, breathe, flow.
April 28th, 2019 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 4/28/19 § permalink
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Page of Swords
It’s a day to dissolve the fog and start looking at things with fresh and honest eyes. With a commitment to clarity, new ideas and a new sense of authority will be close on the horizon.
Take things in hand and energetically start slicing through any fuzziness you’ve not wanted to look past till now. Are you happy with what you’re seeing? If yes – go forward with strength. If not, figure out what you actually want, re-direct yourself towards it and go forward with strength.
In either case, you need to see things for what they really are before you can intelligently decide what your next step might be. This is no time to fool yourself. It’s a time to take charge, be realistic and be strong.
April 27th, 2019 § Comments Off on Ace of Wands § permalink
A Delicious Looking Ace of Wands …
April 27th, 2019 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 4/27/19 § permalink
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Page of Wands
New energy and general enthusiasm are your gifts for today. It’s time to start moving towards your dreams.
It might be just the beginning, but you have to start somewhere and you have the energy and passion to do it right now. Why wait?
Look into your heart and see what makes it stand up and sing. That’s the sign that you’re on the right track.
Be fearless and fun and see where it takes you.
April 26th, 2019 § Comments Off on Moon in Aquarius – High Priestess in the Star’s Clothing § permalink
The Moon moves into Aquarius today and stays there until Sunday.
Described in Tarot cards, this transit would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Star. In other words, her robes are gone and she’s naked as the bird in the tree behind her.
The Moon in Aquarius, or High Priestess in the Star’s clothing, can sometimes be emotionally stressful. Hope may be in the air, but it’s a cautious hope.
Emotionally you feel like sharing, bubbling over with dreams for the future. But your mind keeps getting in the way, reminding you that dreams can sometimes be nightmares.
Try not to spend what could be a nice time double guessing yourself or listing off all the reasons things could go wrong. They might. But they probably won’t.
Be real, but not a wet blanket. Rather than smothering your dreams, direct them with intelligence.
April 26th, 2019 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 4/26/19 § permalink
Friday, April 26, 2019
4 of Swords
Relax, stay calm and maybe even sleep on it. There’s been a lot on your mind lately, and some of it has been quite heavy. You need to slow down and reconnect with yourself.
Meditate on the changes you want in your life. Figure out where your strengths lie and take that route to your goal. It wouldn’t hurt to even reconsider the goal. Are you sure you still want it?
And don’t forget your spirit. Without it, the mental world can be pretty bleak. Trust your dreams and keep in touch with your soul. Make a truce with yourself – life isn’t always a battle.
A new sense of self and perspective on the world are available. But you have to be quiet and still to find them. Take today to figure it out. You’ll be stronger in the long run.