A Powerful Graffiti Queen of Swords …

November 30th, 2020 § Comments Off on Queen of Swords § permalink
A Powerful Graffiti Queen of Swords …
November 30th, 2020 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 11/30/20 § permalink
Monday, November 30, 2020
2 of Swords
This is a day to take your time and think things through – calmly and quietly. Trust your inner voice and let silence be your friend. There’s probably a lot of emotion behind your thoughts these days. Try to keep balance.
Make sure you’re not overthinking things. It’s all about listening to both your logic and your intuition. Both have something to say to you right now. Try not to let your emotions sweep you away or your thoughts crush you down. You’ll know what to do when you need to do it. No need to act right now, just sit.
Mental peace is the energy you’ll discover in your quietude. Keep still. Keep calm. Your thoughts may be heavy, but you’re more than strong enough to hold them.
November 29th, 2020 § Comments Off on Moon in Gemini – High Priestess Dressed as the Lovers’ Angel § permalink
The Moon moves into Gemini today and will stay there until Wednesday.
From a Tarot perspective, this transit would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Lovers’ Angel. She floats above the naked couple, blessing their sacred union.
The Moon in Gemini, or High Priestess dressed as the Lovers’ angel, can be an emotionally confusing time, one where internal conflicts arise in order to be reconciled.
But it can also be a time of clarity, honest communication and almost intuitive understanding about yourself and those around you.
Quiet faith teams up with commitment and the Angels approve of the whole thing.
Try to keep your emotions in line with your reason. Going too far either way could disturb a really nice balance.
November 29th, 2020 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 11/29/20 § permalink
Sunday, November 29, 2020
9 of Disks
You’ve worked hard for your keep, with discipline and perseverance. Physically, some important goals are finally being achieved.
You’re moving towards a place where you feel more at ease, towards a practical stability. The fruits of your labour can now be recognized and finally enjoyed.
Take some time today to quietly congratulate yourself. You’ve worked hard and deserve what you’ve received. Though the road hasn’t always been easy, developing patience and inner strength will have proved well worth it.
November 28th, 2020 § Comments Off on Strength § permalink
A Graffiti Strength card and message …
November 28th, 2020 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 11/28/20 § permalink
Saturday, November 28, 2020
10 of Cups
You feel full up with all the love around you. In fact, you might even be a little overwhelmed with how much you care and how loved you feel.
This is a happy time to be with your family or friends or whoever it is that makes up your social community.
You’re probably nearing the end of an important emotional phase. Taking the time now to recognize and be grateful for all you have will help prepare you for the beginning of the next stage of your journey.
Celebrate with your loved ones, remembering with joy and humour all the good and not so good days that brought you to where you are now.
November 27th, 2020 § Comments Off on Moon in Taurus – High Priestess in the Hierophant’s Clothing § permalink
The Moon moves into Taurus today and stays there until Sunday.
If you look at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Hierophant. She’s sitting before two acolytes and sharing the secrets she usually guards.
The Moon in Taurus, or High Priestess in the Hierophant’s clothes, is a time of spiritual and emotional certitude.
There’s a sense that the truth can be explained, understood and incorporated into daily life. Rules can and should be followed.
Instead of trying to force others to recognize what you know to be certain, try using this time to simply share your emotional, intellectual and spiritual perceptions.
Celebrate the diversity of spirit in our world, while figuring out for yourself what rules, spiritual or otherwise, work best for you.
November 27th, 2020 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 11/27/20 § permalink
Friday, November 27, 2020
Prince of Cups
You’ll probably be feeling quite loving today. Emotions are open and flowing and you’re getting along with everyone.
People will likely find you even more attractive than usual, and you them. But don’t confuse that with getting serious.
Emotions may have been high lately, or at least all over the place. You might find yourself thinking a lot about what in life (and love) truly makes you happy.
It’s a good time to think about it. But don’t worry, there’s no need to make any firm commitments right now. Just look around you and experience what life has to offer.
You’re in the process of building a new emotional maturity. Enjoy and play friendly.
November 26th, 2020 § Comments Off on Page of Disks § permalink
A Graffiti Page of Disks …
November 26th, 2020 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 11/26/20 § permalink
Thursday, November 26, 2020
#10 – Wheel of Fortune
It’s a fantastic day to get going on whatever project (especially a new one) you’ve been thinking about. Opportunities abound for you to finally move forward with your plan.
Don’t be afraid if you think you can’t do it? You’ve been spending plenty of time thinking about it. Look close, you’ll see you have all you need to make it work.
The only thing that will slow you down is doing things the same old way. Start fresh now. You’re ready to go.