A Graffiti Sun …
The Sun
March 31st, 2021 § Comments Off on The Sun § permalink
Tarot Card of the Day – 3/31/21
March 31st, 2021 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 3/31/21 § permalink
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
#14 – Temperance
This is a great day to even things out. Balance and temperance are the energies surrounding you now. Can you bring your physical world into harmony with your emotional state?
Temperance is about that perfect mix, neither too much nor too little. It’s about becoming conscious of what you want to be both inside and out, and courageous enough to try.
You are responsible for any healing you might need. The first step is to acknowledge what might be out of balance and then start readjusting.
Sometimes it’s about finding a new way to meld your internal opposites; sometimes it’s about casting out what no longer works. In all cases though, it’s about being true to your self and connecting to the grander universe.
Try asking an angel for some help today. You might be surprised at the result.
Moon in Scorpio – High Priestess in Death’s Clothing
March 30th, 2021 § Comments Off on Moon in Scorpio – High Priestess in Death’s Clothing § permalink
The moon moves into Scorpio today and stays there until Thursday.
If you translate this transit into the Tarot, you could say that the High Priestess is dressed as Death. She’s in the midst of a great transformation.
The Moon in Scorpio, or High Priestess in Death’s clothing, suggests a time when feelings run deep. The ability to end relationships that don’t work, or release stagnant emotions is accentuated.
If there’s a situation in your life that’s nearing its completion, especially if it’s emotional or relationship-oriented, this might be a good time to let it go. At least explore it with emotional clarity.
This isn’t a time to be afraid, but rather a time to face your fears with equanimity and intelligence.
You’ve got what it takes. Don’t back down from the scary stuff.
Tarot Card of the Day – 3/30/21
March 30th, 2021 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 3/30/21 § permalink
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
3 of Disks
You’ve been working hard and the people that matter are starting to take notice. Take pride in doing a good job.
You’re becoming a master at your trade, and mastery requires not only technical skill, but also an appreciation for the art in what you do.
When you care about your job or the tasks you’ve taken on, the work involved is rarely a chore. Look at your tasks as the creative processes they are.
Whatever you’re doing, you’re creating something, bringing something new into the world. Consider your role as creator with the seriousness it deserves.
Page of Cups
March 29th, 2021 § Comments Off on Page of Cups § permalink
A Graffiti Page of Cups …
Tarot Card of the Day – 3/29/21
March 29th, 2021 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 3/29/21 § permalink
Monday, March 29, 2021
Queen of Cups
The energy today is full of nurturance and love. Let yourself give and receive. Share your feelings, your dreams and what it is that makes you human. Let your imagination run away with you (while holding on to reality if you can).
The Queen of Cups loves romance and laughter and beauty in all its forms. Take a leap into your emotional depths. Don’t be afraid, you won’t stay under too long. This Queen understands emotional limits – how to push them and how to pull them back gently without hurting anyone’s feelings.
Today would be a great day to enjoy the company of loved ones. Or call or write them – one way or another, be sure they know you care.
Moon in Libra – High Priestess in Justice’s Clothing
March 28th, 2021 § Comments Off on Moon in Libra – High Priestess in Justice’s Clothing § permalink
The Moon moves into Libra today, and will stay there until Tuesday.
Looking at this transit through the lens of the Tarot, it would be like the High Priestess is wearing Justice’s clothing. She takes on the mantle of the Karmic Decider.
With the High Priestess as Justice, or the Moon in Libra, we might be required to face up to something and decide.
Our emotions will demand respect. If we’ve leaned too far back or forward, we’ll probably find ourselves moving just as dramatically the other way.
It can be a slightly challenging period, perhaps a little manic. But by the time it’s done, something is likely to have been decided upon.
Don’t be alarmed by conflicting emotions. They’re there because you can see both sides. It’s not good enough though to just acknowledge them and walk away.
During this transit you’re being asked to take a stand one way or another. And you’ve got the wisdom and power to do so.
Tarot Card of the Day – 3/28/21
March 28th, 2021 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 3/28/21 § permalink
Sunday, March 28, 2021
King of Wands
Creative vision, a fiery temperament, inspirational thinking – it could be an exciting day. You have the capacity to focus your passionate energy into something constructive.
If it’s been difficult to get going with an enterprise that really matters to your soul, this is a great day to clear through the cobwebs. Take your fire and run with it.
But don’t forget to enjoy your strength wisely. No one likes a tyrant. Get to work on your goal, but don’t assume that everyone else is going to follow your lead. They might be feeling a lot like you are today and are probably looking for some followers themselves.
The Empress
March 27th, 2021 § Comments Off on The Empress § permalink
A Graffiti Empress …
Tarot Card of the Day – 3/27/21
March 27th, 2021 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 3/27/21 § permalink
Saturday, March 27, 2020
4 of Cups
Today it might seem like you’ve got it all, and yet there’s still something missing. Emotionally, you’ve got plenty of support. People around you love you and you love them back. Despite it all though, there’s a nagging feeling that it’s just not enough.
Perhaps you’re fantasizing about a new love, a new friend, or at a new spark to make what you’ve already got even more special.
Examine these feelings carefully and determine what it is that leaves you slightly unsatisfied. Are you being reasonable – or a bit of a brat. Pay attention to what you’ve got and don’t forget to give thanks.
At the same time – if there is something missing, it’s missing and there’s no getting around it. Meditate on what it is that leaves you wanting more and figure out whether or not it’s something you should pursue.
Remember though, what you wish for might just appear out of thin air – make sure you really want it?