Moon in Taurus – High Priestess in the Hierophant’s Clothing

May 31st, 2019 § Comments Off on Moon in Taurus – High Priestess in the Hierophant’s Clothing § permalink

The High Priestess dressed as the Hierophant

The Moon moves into Taurus today and stays there until Sunday.

If you look at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Hierophant. She’s sitting before two acolytes and sharing the secrets she usually guards.

The Moon in Taurus, or High Priestess in the Hierophant’s clothes, is a time of spiritual and emotional certitude.

There’s a sense that the truth can be explained, understood and incorporated into daily life. Rules can and should be followed.

Instead of trying to force others to recognize what you know to be certain, try using this time to simply share your emotional, intellectual and spiritual perceptions.

Celebrate the diversity of spirit in our world, while figuring out for yourself what rules, spiritual or otherwise, work best for you.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 5/31/19

May 31st, 2019 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 5/31/19 § permalink

#11 Strength from Georgie's Tarot

Friday, May 31, 2019
#11 – Strength

Learn to direct your inner wildness during this period of fiery intensity and your personal power is likely to grow.  Innocence and purity work together to balance your passion with wisdom.

Explore ways to act assertively but without aggression.  The gentle touch might go a lot further than a loud voice or an impetuous rage.

It’s a very creative time and you’re encouraged to allow yourself room to flourish.  Don’t be shy.  This is the moment to take action and move forward with plans you may have held off on until now.

The Magician

May 30th, 2019 § Comments Off on The Magician § permalink

A Graffiti Magician …

#1 The Magician - Toronto Graffiti Tarot

Tarot Card of the Day – 5/30/19

May 30th, 2019 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 5/30/19 § permalink

Ace of Pentacles from Georgie's Tarot

Thursday, May 30, 2019
Ace of Disks

Start that new project now!  I know it’s just the beginning and you can hardly see how it’s going to manifest, but manifest it will.  The Ace of Disks is the seed that begins all new physical realities.

Is it a new job?  A novel approach to an old one?  Trying to get a project off the ground?  Starting a new workout or eating regime?

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have all the details yet. What’s important right now is to start working.  Do it with the confidence that it’s going to succeed – in the real world.

All great trips require a first step. This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.  Take the step and start the journey.

Tarot Card of the Day – 5/29/19

May 29th, 2019 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 5/29/19 § permalink

#3 The Empress from Georgie's Tarot
#3 The Empress

Wednesday, May 29, 2019
#3 – The Empress

Creation and the celebration of the senses are highlighted today.  Art, food, music – anything that inspires our physical and emotional selves will inspire you and be well worth the time.

Nurture yourself and others.  It’ll probably be hard not to.  Nurturance isn’t just a luxury.  You need to maintain and even increase your strength in order to create what you’ve been working on. Eat delicious, healthy foods, surround yourself with beauty, take warm, aromatic baths . . . it’s all part of the Empress’ path to creation.

If you’ve been dealing with issues surrounding motherhood, women, or femininity in general, this would be a great day to take a closer look.  There’s wonderful energy now to help you resolve issues you might have thought irresolvable.

The Moon

May 29th, 2019 § Comments Off on The Moon § permalink

A Graffiti Moon …

#18 The Moon - Toronto Graffiti Tarot

Moon in Aries – High Priestess in the Emperor’s Clothing

May 28th, 2019 § Comments Off on Moon in Aries – High Priestess in the Emperor’s Clothing § permalink

High Priestess dressed as the Emperor

The Moon moves into Aries today and will stay there until Friday.

Translating this transit into Tarot cards, it would be like the High Priestess is wearing the Emperor’s clothing. She’s in scarlet and armor and is ready for battle.

The Moon in Aries, or High Priestess in the clothing of the Emperor, is a time of intensified emotions. You might feel an increased desire to shape your own world.

Rather than sitting back in stillness, this transit encourages the loosening of emotional restrictions and the conscious expression of enthusiasm and/or passion.

It might be uncomfortable at first, but allow yourself to speak out loud. Take steps forward to let people know what you know and what you love.

Try to remain objective and open-minded while acting with determination and direction. It might sound impossible, but you can do both if you try.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 5/28/19

May 28th, 2019 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 5/28/19 § permalink

Queen of Disks from Georgie's Tarot

Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Queen of Disks

It looks like you may have set yourself up just right. You’ve created the space you’re in through determined effort and hard work.

Step by step you’ve manifested your own prosperity and this is a wonderful time to enjoy it. It hasn’t always be easy but the rewards are well worth it.

Be generous with your prosperity, and kind to those that haven’t quite done it yet. People might come to you for practical advice or help. Or maybe it will be you taking that step to approach a kindly soul who could help you.

Don’t hesitate either to help or to ask for help. We’re here for each other and create the most beautiful of worlds when we work together.

The Chariot

May 27th, 2019 § Comments Off on The Chariot § permalink

A Graffiti Chariot making a delivery …

Tarot Card of the Day – 5/27/19

May 27th, 2019 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 5/27/19 § permalink

#14 Temperance from Georgie's Deck

Monday, May 27, 2019
#14 – Temperance

This is a great day to even things out. Balance and temperance are the energies surrounding you now. Can you bring your physical world into harmony with your emotional state?

Temperance is about that perfect mix, neither too much nor too little. It’s about becoming conscious of what you want to be both inside and out, and courageous enough to try.

You are responsible for any healing you might need. The first step is to acknowledge what might be out of balance and then start readjusting.

Sometimes it’s about finding a new way to meld your internal opposites; sometimes it’s about casting out what no longer works. In all cases though, it’s about being true to your self and connecting to the grander universe.

Try asking an angel for some help today. You might be surprised at the result.

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