Protesting Astrology in Dorset

June 30th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

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A group in the UK calling themselves the Christian Soldiers Dorset, intend to protest outside a Pagan Moot in Bridport on July 5th.

They mean it to be a peaceful vigil to warn people, especially the young, about the dangers of the occult. The group plans to protest other occult events as well.

Organizer of the Moot, Adam Marlborough, thinks that the group should be allowed to protest if they want to, though they’ll be disappointed if they’re looking for satanists. He believes in freedom of speech, and understands that everyone has their own perspective.

But he thinks the group could find better things to do with their time, and wonders whether they would have the courage to protest meetings of more mainstream religious groups.

I have to agree. There are a lot of problems in the world that are worth speaking up against. A Pagan meet-up about Earth Astrology and Colour Energy isn’t one of them.

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