Beyond Worlds with Robert M. Place – Alchemy pt. 2

April 22nd, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Alchemy and the Tarot by Robert M. Place

Tonight on Beyond Worlds we have the surprise return of Robert M. Place! He was just with us a couple of weeks ago talking about alchemy, but there wasn’t nearly enough time to learn all we wanted to.

So he’s back! And he’ll be leading us through his new book, Alchemy and the Tarot: An Examination of the Historic Connection. He’ll also be talking with us about the third edition of his Alchemical Tarot. I have it, and it’s just brilliant!!

Join Donnaleigh de LaRose and myself live in the chat room. Or call in at (646) 200-0765.

It’s going to be a great show.

Beyond Worlds with Robert M. Palce – Alchemy pt.2
Sunday, April 22, 2012
7:00 pm ET (4:00 pm PT)

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