Symbology: an A to Z of Archetypes and Epiphanies

March 27th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink

I know I just posted a Kickstarter project the other day, but here’s another one, this time by Annie Davies, curator of The Collective Tarot.

Though it’s not another Tarot project, it is occult oriented and involves pictures. It’s Symbology: an A to Z of Archetypes and Epiphanies.

Symbology is what Davies describes as a ‘largeish minicomic’, a 32 page black and white book gathering together esoteric symbols based on each letter of the alphabet.

I love the idea, and the artwork. And the video below where Davies displays the various rewards you can get for donating is fabulous. Take a look!

And visit the project page to learn more.

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