Waiting For Spring

March 2nd, 2015 § 2 comments § permalink

Ace of Pentacles - Rider Waite Smith Tarot

Being thoroughly sick of this cold cold winter, I asked the cards, is spring coming soon?

The card I got was the Ace of Pentacles, a brilliantly spring-like card that not only suggests the start of something new (like a new season), it features one of spring’s more iconic flowers – the Lily.

I know that by March 21st winter is officially over, and we don’t need cards to tell us so, but this Ace of Pentacles gives me hope that not only will it be spring by the calendar, it might actually feel like it too.

Here’s hoping its true!

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Gift Giving Advice from the Cards

December 2nd, 2014 § 2 comments § permalink

10 of Cups - Rider Waite Smith Tarot

I asked my cards for some advice regarding holiday shopping this year and the card I got was the 10 of Cups.

Though it might be advising me to give golden chalices, I think it’s really saying something else.

The 10 of Cups is a joyful card focusing on the love one feels for family and friends. The emphasis is on positive emotional networks and the happiness they can bring into all of our lives.

Though the 10 of Cups doesn’t reject the idea of gift-giving, it reminds us that giving with our hearts is what’s most important. Physical gifts are sweet, but making sure people know we love them is even better, and perhaps the best gift of all.

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A Cold Winter Ahead?

November 27th, 2014 § 2 comments § permalink

Oh no!

After last week’s deep freeze here, and the crazy snow storm in Buffalo, I asked my deck what the weather was going to be like this winter in Toronto … look what I got!!!

5 of Pentacles - RWS Tarot

I think I might need a new coat.

Stay warm everyone!

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