Beyond Nevermore

February 6th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Beyond Nevermore in support of Edgar Allen Poe House and Museum

There are a lot of Edgar Allen Poe fans out there who would jump at the chance to ask the late author some questions about his life and work. And normally that would be impossible.

In fact, it still might be, but officials and friends of Baltimore’s Poe House and Museum are going to try.

On the weekend of March 3rd and 4th, they’re bringing psychics and paranormal experts to Westminster Hall, a church just steps away from Poe’s gravesite.

It’s part of a fundraising event they’re calling Beyond Nevermore, featuring two evenings of controlled experiments that will attempt to contact Edgar Allen Poe.

Organizers aren’t promising that Poe will actually show during any of the two-hour programs, but they’re keeping an open mind.

They’re also taking questions from the audience, so if you attend, make sure you have a query ready. It just might be the one Edgar answers.

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