Bay Area Tarot Symposium 2012 – august 27-28

May 10th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

In case you’re making travel plans for the summer and haven’t yet decided where to go, may I suggest San Francisco during the last week of August.

Not only will you get to spend some time in one of the most beautiful cities in the US, you’ll be there in time for the 21st annual Bay Area Tarot Symposium, aka BATS.

Produced by the fabulous Thalassa in association with the Daughters of Divination, BATS is the oldest running Tarot conference in the world.

Having been there myself the last couple of years, I understand why it keeps going strong. It’s just great. I can’t wait to get back!

This years’ line-up hasn’t yet been announced, but pre-registration is open and there’s early-bird specials for those who already know they want to attend.

The conference will be held August 27 and 28th at the Golden Gateway Holiday Inn.

Watch the BATS website for updates. This year is going to be especially fun!

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