Crop Circle Music

August 13th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Galaxy Formation Crop Circle 1994

The Galaxy Formation

Have you ever wondered what a crop circle sounds like? I never had, not until I came across Paul Vigay’s Circular Harmonics.

Vigay developed the idea after seeing a computer program that was able to turn images into sound. He tried it with a picture of a crop circle and took it from there.

Being a computer whiz himself, as well as a ‘croppie’, he worked on his own software, making it more and more specific to the task.

As with the Aleatory Arcana, a musical Tarot deck, I don’t begin to understand the math behind the music, but I like the results.

Vigay has posted samples of the songs of three crop circle formations – the Mandlebrot, the Galaxy and Oliver’s Castle.

Particularly interesting is the difference between the song of a computer generated image of the Mandlbrot formation, and a photo of the real thing. The computer generated version is significantly more stark.

Human creations, or otherwise, these crop circles are pretty amazing works of land art. Who knew they made such pretty music as well.

Has anyone made a crop circle deck yet? The Galaxy Formation would make a lovely World card.

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