Southern Symposium – Tarot Down Under

April 5th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Southern Symposium - tarot conference in new zealand

If you’re near Auckland, New Zealand June 17-19 and looking for a pack of tarot folk, check out the Southern Symposium.

Co-hosts Fern Mercier and Lyn Howarth-Olds have put together what looks to be a fabulous tarot weekend.

The theme of the event is a live three-card reading, exploring the past, present and future of tarot.

Presenters announced so far are Jean-Michel David, Annie Dunlop, Danae Thorp, Francelle Ofsoske-Wyber and the co-hosts themselves, Fern Mercier and Lyn Howarth-Olda.

It all takes place at the beautiful Bella Rahka Retreat Centre.

Looks excellent. If you’re in the area, sign up now. Spaces are limited.

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