Billy Corgan is a Fool

December 1st, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins loves the Tarot. And of all the cards, the Fool speaks to him the loudest. While talking about his newest release, Teargarden by Kaleidyscope, Corgan told Albequrque’s Local IQ,

“We are all, in essence, on the fool’s journey. So the inspiration for the [new] album is the story of the fool, which is the story of life as we all struggle towards transcendence.”

Corgan is releasing Teargarden like a Tarot reading, dealing out one card/song at a time. By the time he’s done, the entire work will have 44 songs. The 22 majors and each of their shadows?

The first six songs are available for free download on the band’s website. Corgan plans to release all of them like this, getting constant feedback as he records the rest of the album.

Listen here to the songs available so far. Or download them if you like. He wants you to.

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