Beyond Worlds Intensive #15 – the masculine twos

April 15th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

2 of Wands from the Smith Waite Tarot

It’s been a while since the last one, but tonight on Beyond Worlds it’s Tarot Intensive #15. We’ll be looking at the 2’s, or at least two of them.

The 2 of Swords and the 2 of Wands will be tonight’s focus.

2 of Swords from the Smith Waite Tarot

Fire and and air, spirit and intellect. These cards are about making choices and finding mental peace.

They suggest discovering the power within yourself, and determining where the boundaries in your life start and end.

The masculine twos are powerful, and together they can be explosive.

Join Donnaleigh de LaRose, Ginny Hunt, Valerie Sylvester, Diane Wilkes, Dan Pelletier, and me.

We’ll be live in the chat room, or you can call in at (646) 200-0765.

It’s going to be a lively discussion. We’d love you to take part.

Beyond Worlds Tarot Intensive #15 – the masculine twos
Sunday, April 15th, 2012
7:00 pm ET (4:00 pm PT)

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Beyond Worlds Tarot Intensive #14 – The 'Female' Aces (really)

January 15th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Ace of Cups from Georgie's Tarot

Last month I told you we would be talking about the ‘female’ Aces on Beyond Worlds. Unfortunately, I was off by a month … tonight is really the night!

It’s all about the Ace of Cups and the Ace of Pentacles – water and earth, love and practicality.

Ace of Disks from Georgie's Tarot

There will be five wonderful co-hosts in attendance – Donnaleigh de LaRose, Valerie Sylvester, Ginny Hunt, HiC Luttmers and myself.

Join us for the fun!

We’ll be live in the chat room, or you can call in at (646) 200-0765.

Click here for tonight’s handout.

And for a complete list of all the Tarot Intensive classes – visit Donnaleigh’s website. They’re available for download 24 hours a day.

Tarot Intensive #14 – The ‘Female Aces
Sunday, December 11, 2011
7:00 pm ET (4:00 pm PT)

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Beyond Worlds Tarot Intensive #14 – The 'Female' Aces

December 3rd, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Oops … Mercury Retrograde has messed with me (or at least that’s my story, and I might as well stick with it).

The Beyond Worlds Tarot Intensive on the feminine Aces is not until next month, Sunday, January 15th at 7:00 pm ET (4:00 pm PT), not tonight.

I’m sorry for the confusion … but let’s just blame Mercury.

Ace of Pentacles from the Rider Waite Smith Tarot

Last time we tried, but we only got through two of the four Aces. So tonight on Beyond Worlds, we’re back to finish the job.

It’s Tarot Intensive #14, and it’s going to be all about the ‘female’ Aces – the Ace of Cups and the Ace of Pentacles. They’re the seeds of emotion and physicality.

Ace of Cups from the Rider Waite Smith Tarot

Join four fabulous Tarot experts – Donnaleigh de LaRose, Valerie Sylvester, Marcia McCord, and me!

We’ll be live in the chat room and would love to see you there. Or you can call in at (646) 200-0765.

We’ll be using this handout during the show.

For a list of all the Tarot Intensives, visit Donnaleigh’s website. The classes are available 24 hours a day, whenever the Tarot bug might hit.

Tarot Intensive #14 – The ‘Female’ Aces
Sunday, December 11, 2011 (new corrected date)
7:00 pm ET (4:00 pm PT)

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Beyond Worlds Tarot Intensive #13 – The 'Male' Aces

October 16th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Ace of Swords from the Rider Waite Smith Tarot

Ace of Swords

Tonight’s Beyond Worlds is the first of our Minor Arcana Tarot Intensives.

As might be expected, we’ll be starting with the Aces, the new seeds from which all things grow. And tonight we’ll be looking at the masculine ones – the Ace of Wands and the Ace of Swords.

We’ll be discussing traditional and not-so traditional interpretations, both upright and reversed, as well as looking at what the cards might represent in an actual reading.

Different artists and designers have varying takes on the energies in these cards, so as usual, we’ll be taking a peek at a number of different versions both old and new.

Ace of Wands from the Rider Waite Smith Tarot

It’s going to be a lively show with four hosts and a wide array of perspectives. Join us in the chat room or call in at (646) 200-0765.

If you miss this class, or any of the Tarot Intensives, you can always find them at Donnaleigh’s website.

Click on the radio link at the upper left side, and you’ll find all of the shows neatly arranged by date, ready to be listened to 24 hours a day.

Beyond Worlds – Tarot Intensive #13
Sunday, October 16, 2011
7:00 pm ET (4:00 PT)

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Beyond Worlds – Tarot Intensive #8

April 17th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Hanged Man from Georgianna's City Walk Tarot 2

Hanged Man

Tonight it’s Beyond World’s Tarot Intensive #8!!

And it’s going to be a heavy one. The Hanged Man and Death.

Two cards that can scare the socks of new comers to the Tarot.

Death from Georgianna's Toronto Graffiti Tarot (ver.1)


But we’ll do our best to bring the fear level down and explain how these big ideas are described in the cards.

All four hosts will be there – Donnaleigh de LaRose, Storm Cestavani, Theresa Reed and myself.

We hope you’re there too. Join us live in the chat room or call in (646) 200-0765.

Beyond Worlds Tarot Intensive #8
Sunday, April 17, 2011
7:00 pm EDT (4:00 pm PDT)

for a list of all the Beyond Worlds Tarot Intensives -> click here

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Beyond Tarot Intensive – Episode #6

February 27th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Strength from Georgie's Photo Tarot #2


Join all four Beyond Worlds cohosts tonight for the 6th in our series of Beyond Tarot Intensive Classes.

Tonight’s cards are Strength (or Lust in the Thoth deck) and the Hermit.

#9 the Hermit from Georgie's Photo Tarot #1

The Hermit

We’ll be talking about unbridled power and the wisdom of the elders. Very different energies that’s for sure.

Visit us live in the chatroom or call in (646) 200-0765.

Beyond Tarot Intensive #6
Sunday, February 27, 2011
7:00 pm EST (4 pm PST)

Go to -> Beyond Tarot Intensive Classes for links to all the classes so far.

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Guy Ritchie's Unintended Tarot School

February 16th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Guy Ritchie's mansion occupied by The Really Free School

Guy Ritchie's London house occupied by squatters

Guy Ritchie’s intended new home has suddenly become an unintended temporary Tarot school.

In addition to Tarot, the squatters that moved in on Monday night also plan to teach classes on house occupation and using public transport for free.

The group that calls itself, The Really Free School, realize that they’ll be thrown out of the $9.6 million mansion soon.

But until they are, they’re using Ritchie’s house as a pop-up free school, offering workshops, debates and film screenings.

In their own words, “Our time in this building is short, we have the next couple of weeks to zhumba, zhumba, zhumba.”

The police went to the recently renovated property near London’s West End, but were unable to evict the squatters.

According to British law, a person can claim a right to stay in an empty property as long as they don’t break and enter. At least until they’re formally evicted by the owner.

I expect they’ll be leaving soon.

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Beyond Worlds – Tarot Intensive #4

December 19th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Beyond Worlds

Beyond Worlds

Join us tonight on Beyond Worlds for the 4th in our series of Tarot Intensive classes. All four hosts will be there – Donnaleigh de LaRose, Storm Cestavani, Theresa Reed and me!

Tonight the men of the deck will get a chance to speak. We’ll be exploring the Emperor and the Hierophant. Power and Morality. What roles do they play in our lives? And what do they mean when they show up in a reading?

Be there with us in the chatroom or call in (646) 200-0765 to tell us what you think.

And if you miss this show, or any of the Tarot Intensive classes, they’re always available in the archives. Take a listen at your leisure.

Beyond Worlds Tarot Intensive #4
Sunday, December 19, 2010
7:00 pm EST (4:00 pm PST)

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Beyond Worlds – Tarot Intensive #3

November 28th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

#3 The Empress from Georgie's Tarot

#3 The Empress

Join us tonight for our 3rd Beyond Worlds Tarot Intensive!! It’s going to be great! We’ll be visiting with the two grand ladies of the Tarot: the Empress and High Priestess.

#2 The High Priestess from Georgie's Tarot

#2 The High Priestess

All four hosts will be there – Donnaleigh, Storm, Theresa and me. And as usual, we’ve got lots to say.

Get your favorite deck and come along for the ride. We’d love to see you in the chatroom or call in (646) 200-0765 and tell us what you think the High Priestess and Empress are trying to tell us.

Beyond Tarot Intensive #3 – The Empress and High Priestess
Sunday, November 28, 2010
7:00 pm EST (4:00 pm EST)

Beyond Tarot Intensive #2 – The Fool and Magician
Beyond Tarot Intensive #1 – A Tarot Overview

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Beyond Tarot – Episode 2

October 29th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Beyond Worlds LP

Beyond Worlds

The 2nd in our series of Beyond Tarot Intensive classes is tomorrow at 1:00 pm EST!!

All four Beyond Worlds hosts will be there … Donnaleigh de la Rose, Storm Cestavani, Theresa Reed and Me. This time round we’ll be jumping into the Major Arcana.  0, 1, 2, 3 … let’s get going!

Free, fun and interactive – call in (646) 200-0765 or listen here.

Beyond Tarot Episode 2 (live or in archive)
Saturday, October 29, 2010
1:00 pm EST (10:00 am PST)

Listen here  for –> Beyond Tarot Episode 1
Beyond Tarot Episode 3

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