The Tarot Room News – new monthly newsletter!

May 6th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Just to let you all know …. I’ve started a monthly newsletter called The Tarot Room News.

It’s meant to be a summary and preview of the best of that month’s Tarot Room posts – tarot events, astrological transits, reviews, spreads, announcements and other interesting (or idiotic) psychic stuff I’ve come across.

Not only does The Tarot Room News provide easy access to the month’s most interesting articles, but each issue also includes a special discount on readings available to subscribers only.

If you’re interested, just sign up through the link on the bar to your right (you might have to scroll down a bit). Or send me an email with the word ‘newsletter’ in the subject line.

I’ll send you out that month’s issue as soon as I can process your request.

Sign up now!

If you do sign up, then decide you want to leave the list, you can unsubscribe at any time. There’s an ‘unsubscribe’ link at the top of each email.

It would be sad to see anyone leave, but if you do, know that you’re always welcome back.

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