I’ve obviously gone crafting crazy this past week. This is the second post in just two days about Tarot crafts.
On Wednesday, I wrote about making your own deck using pictures from magazines. Today I’m talking about making a magnet Tarot with flat-bottom clear glass beads.
Leisa ReFalo was the first to inspire me to combine glass beads with Tarot. I saw some that she’d done a couple of years back at BATS and just loved them.
Then last month on Beyond Worlds, we had a Tarot Tip from Linette Voller on how to make Tarot weights using the same technique. After the show I ordered supplies.
Of course I ordered the wrong thing. The beads I ended up with were much bigger than I’d intended, but at least the magnets were strong enough to hold them.
I shrunk down pictures from the Rider Waite Smith deck and put each on a coloured background using Photoshop. Then I printed out the tiny pictures and cut them all out to fit the glass beads.
I used Diamond glaze to glue the picture to the glass, and added an extra backing of white paper so that the magnets wouldn’t show through the image.
Now that they’re done, I’m glad I got the wrong size bead. Each one is big enough to show the whole card, but still small enough to be adorable.
They can be used for readings, ritual, or just to stick on your fridge.
The whole process is kind of addictive. Once I started shrinking down Tarot images, I began thinking of all the other types of pictures I could shrink down and glue to glass.
The possibilities are endless. I’ll be making more.