Happy Birthday Baba Vanga

October 11th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Baba Vanga, aka Granny Vanga, neé Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova

Baba Vanga

Bulgaria’s most famous clairvoyant, Baba Vanga, was honoured last week on the 100th anniversary of her birth.

Though some sources list January 31, 1911 as her birthday, the people of Rupite, Bulgaria, where she lived and worked for most of her life, seem to think October 3rd was the day. I’ll take their word for it.

There was a mass in her honour at St. Petka’s church, and a silver covered statue of her was unveiled for the first time.

The 1.8-meter monument, created by Prof. Emil Popov, shows her sitting on a bench near a table, just as she typically sat when doing readings for the thousands of people who sought her out through the years.

Blind from the age of 12, she started to attract attention for her visions in her late teens. Through decades of radical change, she sat where she was while politicians, celebrities, and regular folk came to her home in droves.

She’s said to have regularly read for more than a hundred people a day, offering psychic predictions, positive advice, and herbal remedies for healing.

Baba Vanga Stamp

Baba Vanga is credited with predicting many major world events, everything from the assassination of Indira Ghandi and her son, to the breakup of the Soviet Union, to the 9/11 attacks on the US.

Of course there’s a lot of skepticism surrounding some of the things attributed to her, and the Bulgarian Orthodox Church referred to her as a ‘pseudo-icon’. But in Rupite at least, they see her as a woman who did her best to help people, and that she did it well.

Her home has become a museum, and the town of Rupite, near the Greek border has become a monastery-like complex since her death in 1996. It attracts tourists from all over the world, and for this special event, hundreds of people arrived to show their respects.

Who would have thought a psychic from a tiny volcanic town in Bulgaria would achieve such world-wide notoriety and love? Maybe she did, but I find it remarkable.

Happy belated birthday Baba Vanga! I’m glad you were around.

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