Just thought I’d take a moment to plug my friend Andrew McGregor’s metaphysical shop – The Hermit’s Lamp. They’re celebrating their first year at their present location on Bloor Street West, and I was able to get over there for the party last weekend.
The store looks great, as does its proprietor. There’s a lot there at the store – crystals, candles, jewellery, books, oils, artwork, Tarot decks …the longer you browse, the more interesting things you’ll find. (That’s true for the website too … they have Tarot running shoes! – which of course, I want.)
I can get carried away in stores like this (also in stationary and hardware stores) so I tried to set a limit on what I could buy before I got there. I gave myself permission to buy one Tarot deck … and maybe, maybe one other thing.
As it turned out I got myself The Orisha Tarot (created by McGregor himself), and an adorable Tarot bag from the Unemployed Philosophers Guild. I also got a little gift for someone else, so I didn’t count that in my ‘no purchase over two items’ rule. Had I stayed any longer though, it’s likely I would have broken my pledge.
Anyway, if you’re in the Toronto area and looking for some magic, you can visit The Hermit’s Lamp in person at 1209 Bloor Street West, just west of Dufferin on the south side.
And for those not in Toronto … you can always visit online —> The Hermit’s Lamp