The Book of Knowing

June 28th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

This Kickstarter project is for a playing card deck rather than for Tarot, but Tarot or not, if you like reading cards with beautiful pictures on them, check out The Book of Knowing.

Ana Cortez and her late father CJ Freeman were the creators of the now out of print Oracle Playing Card Deck. Though the name describes what it is, it hardly describes how absolutely gorgeous the cards are.

What makes that deck so stunning is the artwork of CJ Freeman. And though Freeman passed in 2010, his work is very much alive.

Using the images from large oil paintings her father created over 35 years ago, Cortez would like to create another deck of 54 cards – The Book of Knowing.

The paintings have been in storage for years and it’s about time they meet the world.

Take a look at the video below to hear Cortez talk about the project and to see some of the artwork. And visit her Kickstarter page to see what gifts she’s offering to those who donate.

If you’re interested in the art, some of the originals are on sale at her site.

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