Philosophical Meditation

June 17th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

The School of Life video below called Philosophical Meditation is a great guide to clearing some of the unconscious clutter that can accumulate in our minds. In it they suggest we find 20 minutes or so every few days to sit with a pen, a notebook, and our thoughts, and ask some basic questions.

1. What am I currently upset about?
2. What am I currently anxious about?
3. What am I currently curious or excited about?

These are all great questions, and well worth exploring. Jot down your thoughts as you consider each one, and if you have a Tarot deck nearby, you might even want to draw a card or two as well.

Take a look at the video, and if you’re interested in getting deeper, download the School of Life’s written guide to help further focus your thoughts.

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