Tarot on Twitter

May 30th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

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Do you tweet?

If you do, and you love Tarot, you should definitely play along with some of the Tarot Twitter games going on everyday in the virtual land of 140 key strokes.

First off, there’s the #amtarot and #pmtarot, run by @thetarotlady, aka Theresa Reed. Every morning and every evening, Theresa posts one card for the world to comment on.

Descriptions are all over the map, some really serious, some hysterically funny. They’re always interesting.

Another great game, run by Beyond Worlds’ own Donnaleigh de LaRose, or @DonnaleighDLR, is #tarotpic.

Each day, Donnaleigh posts a picture and asks, ‘If this picture were a tarot card, which one would it be? What do you see?’

The pictures she chooses really get you thinking, and brilliantly illustrate how Tarot can be found everywhere in our lives.

Another popular game, and the last I’ll describe for now, is run by @mzzlee. Its hashtag is #tarotToo, and it’s a combo exercise.

Daughn posts two cards each day, asking participants to, ‘COMBO THIS! … What do these 2 cards say to us when they appear together in a reading?’

It’s a fabulous game that gets you thinking about how card energies merge. The answers people come up with are remarkable.

Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, it’s fun to play. And a worth while learning experience for everyone.

Keeping answers short, meaningful and public, forces you to really focus on what you’re trying to say. All three of these games are great ways to exercise your Tarot.

If you’re not already playing and want to, all you have to do is follow @thetarotlady, @DonnaleighDLR, and @mzzlee. Then watch for their posts, and respond, including the particular hashtag in your tweet.

And if you’re not following me yet, follow me now! And say hi when you do!

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