Toronto Graffiti Tarot (Version 1)

November 17th, 2010 § 7 comments § permalink

Every now and then I get the urge to grab my camera and walk around the city looking for a Tarot deck. The magical symbols can be found all over the place.

This time round, I focused on Graffiti. There are so many great paintings in our alleyways it seems a shame how fast they’re replaced. Sometimes by other amazing images. And sometimes with ugly scrawls of nothing. But I think that’s part of what makes Graffiti Art a good match for the Tarot.

Tarot cards represent change, or the transformations we face in our daily lives. Through it’s temporary nature, Graffiti Art does the same. It quickly reflects the world around us, then changes up just as fast to mirror new pictures as they arise.

For now this is a Majors Only deck, but it might grow into a full 78 cards with time. Most of the images are from a long alley just south of Queen Street West. A few of them are from along Spadina Avenue.

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Update! Here are the Court Cards …

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Tarot in the City 2
Georgie’s Tarot

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