Tarot Solstice Spreads

December 13th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

In preparation for the upcoming Solstice, you might want to try the Winter Solstice Reflection spread demonstrated below by Angelo Nasios and created by Bonnie Cehovet.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, this year’s Solstice is on December 22nd and marks the shortest day of the year.

Though winter will just be getting under way, the days will slowly but surely be getting longer, and before you know it spring will be back!

Within the darkness, a new light is being born.

If you don’t celebrate Solstice, you can use this spread just as easily as a New Year’s reflection, or really any time you’re in the process of starting fresh.

Take a look at the video, or visit Tarot Elements to see Bonnie’s post from last year. She has this spread there, as well as a more involved 19 card spread.

Or if you just want a quick Solstice Snapshot – pull three cards and ask:

•What do I want to take with me from last year?
•What do I want to let go of?
•What new light is being born in the upcoming new year?

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