Tarosophy Tarot Conference III – September 17/18, 2011

May 1st, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Arthur Edward Waite

Arthur E. Waite

Another great tarot event in England …

The Tarosophy Tarot Conference III, will be held September 17-18 in Keswick, the Lake District, UK.

Great guest speakers will be there – Ciro Marchetti, Dan Pelletier, Carrie Paris, Richard Abbot, and Tarosophy’s own Marcus Katz.

And Marcus has a special treat for everyone.

For the first time ever, he’ll be presenting all the images from Arthur E. Waite’s SECOND Tarot. And in full colour!

He has new research and a fully restored Tree of Life illustrating Tarot as a spiritual path.

It’s going to be brilliant. Get your tickets now.

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