The Aces in the Tarot are all about new beginnings. They’re the seeds of the four suits in the deck, the very first inclination of an energy about to be born.
The Ace of Wands is the first spark of life. It’s new passion, new fire, and the core of all spirit.
The Ace of Cups is new love. It’s emotion at its most fresh, sweet and pure.
The Ace of Swords is new direction, innovation, focus, and communication.
And the Ace of Pentacles is the new seed of what’s real. You can experience it with your senses, and as an Ace, it’s still ideal.
I wish everyone all four Aces for 2012!!
May you start the year full of new spirit, new ideas, new love, and a solid grounding for all your new projects.
Happy New Year!!! Make 2012 great.
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This time-lapse video shows the birth of a baby oak tree from a tiny little acorn.
It was shot by British filmmaker Neil Bromhall over an eight month period.
While I was watching it, I couldn’t help but think of the Aces in the Tarot. I often describe them as seeds, and here’s a seed, growing right in front of us.
Ace of Wands
I know this acorn is actually growing into the earth, so the Ace of Pentacles would be an obvious comparison. But I think of the Ace of Wands when I watch the film.
It’s the push up from the earth that impresses on me, the little tree’s stretch for the sky. It’s reaching towards the Sun, the home of all fire.
Whatever Ace you might think of, this acorn helps remind us that all great ventures start from the very tiniest of beginnings.
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