A Knight Is Born …

August 10th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

I love watching videos of artists creating their art. And it can be especially fun if they’re creating Tarot art.

The video below by Claudia, aka Reino, is just that – Tarot art manifesting before our very eyes.

Reino works in multi-media and is in the process of making her Dharma Tarot.

Watch her in action as she creates the Knight of Wands. I really like it.

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Tarot in Ballpoint Blue

September 11th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Take a look at these Tarot cards drawn in ballpoint pen by Dana Van Hassel.

There’s only a few, but they’re really nice.

I like the look of the blue ink. It gives the pictures a doodle effect, fun but still serious.

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Musical Tarot

July 24th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink

The Tarot inspires a lot of visual art, but it also inspires a lot of music.

Take a listen to these improvised interpretations of the Magician and High Priestess.

They were posted by marisstella100 on his YouTube page, and it looks like he might be working on the entire major arcana.

The Empress and Emperor were up when I last looked. I hope there’ll be more.

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April's Army Tarot Project

July 12th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Here’s another Tarot Kickstarter project that looks interesting…

It’s April’s Army Tarot Project and features 25 artists from across the world coming together to create 78 original cards.

All participants are fans of the website Regretsy.com, who’s catchphrase is, ‘Where DIY Meets WTF’. And they’ve invoked that spirit in the creation of their deck.

They’re working in a wide variety of mediums – paint, pencils, pixels, fabric and clay. And you might say they’ve taken liberties with the traditional Tarot suits.

Instead of the familiar Swords, Cups, Wands and Pentacles, they’ve opted for Tools, Genitalia, WTF, and Whimsicles (F*ckery). And yes, that’s how they spell Whimsicles.

The adult nature of this deck might not be for everyone, but it looks really fun to me. You can see some of the cards and artist discussions at their collaboration space. And watch the video below to meet some of the people involved.

April’s Army is trying to raise money for production costs and they’re accepting pledges until August 4. For as little as $20 you can help get the deck finished and get your own copy as soon as it’s back from the printer in November.

Visit their Kickstarter page to read more about the deck. And consider supporting it. When regretable crafting meets Tarot, it’s something to celebrate.

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The Fool on Ceramic

June 14th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Time lapse is great! Take a look at the Fool coming to life on a ceramic plate.

Howard Dale made this ten minute video of the five hour process of drawing, colouring and glazing his Fool.

It turned out gorgeous, and makes me want to start drawing on ceramics myself.

You can check out more of Dale’s work at his Etsy shop.

And I can’t help but notice that in the same week I’ve had a story about both a Howard Dale and a Dale Howard. It’s kind of fun.

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Fire: An Element of the Tarot

March 4th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

flameTarot’s on fire at the Railroad Square Cinema.

Fire: An Element of the Tarot is a show of new work by Katenia Keller of Freedom, Maine.

Creator of the beautiful Pythias Sacred Geometry Tarot, Keller has been working on a Minor Arcana to accompany her Major’s only deck.

The paintings at Railroad Square are 16-by-16 inch acrylics on panel.

The entire fire suit will be on display, along with prints from the Pythias Sacred Geometry deck.

If you’re near Waterville, Maine anytime now through April, stop by and take a look.

An opening reception and talk will be held on Sunday, March 6 from 2 to 4 pm.

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February 22nd, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Archetypology is a Croatian group art show inspired by archetypal themes.

Conceived by Ivana Rezek, the exhibition features work of over a hundred artists, all dealing with universal themes they personally feel connected to or wanted to explore more deeply.

In this slideshow you can see some of the work. Artists featured are Kresimira Gojanovic, Nikolina Ivezić, Lili Jurinec, Dijana Kocica, Chantal Laurin, Willie Marlowe, Tatjana Politeo, Natasa Stanisic and Rezek herself.

Though only Rezek’s work is overtly Tarot, it’s easy to imagine all of these pieces as cards in a deck. Nice.

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