Advice for the Season

December 13th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Page of Cups from the Smith Rider Waite Tarot

Now that the Holidays are fully upon us, I thought I’d ask the cards for a little advice on this festive time. The card I got was the Page of Cups.

How very sweet.

This Page is about being open and loving and willing to give as well as to receive.

There’s a light-hearted playfulness here, and a feeling of newness of emotion.

It reminds us not to get hung up on anything in particular, to enjoy the flow, and to let love guide the way.

This is a time for sharing, laughing, and sweet-talk with everyone, even if it happens to be a fish in a cup.

And speaking of that fish in a cup – what interesting symbology for Christmas time. The fish is an ancient symbol for Christ, and the cup, of course, a symbol for the womb.

Could the Page of Cups be celebrating the newborn baby Jesus?

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