The Hermit

April 30th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

The Hermit by Ivan Minsloff and Georgianna Boehnke

The Hermit has arrived!!

Los Angeles illustrator Ivan Minsloff and I have been working on a Tarot deck for quite some time now. We still have a ways to go, but in the process we decided to bring some of the cards to life even before the whole deck is complete.

Oddly enough, it’s not the Fool, or even the Magician who showed up first, but the Hermit, #9.

Our Hermit is a city dweller, wearing a trench coat and hoody. He’s been around a long time and knows well the soul of the city.

In one hand he carries a six-pointed star representing the occult mysteries that guide his way. And in the other he holds a staff. It’s both his wand and his cane.

I can barely wait to see him as part of the whole deck, but for now the Hermit is available as a 15 X 25 inch silk-screen limited edition poster print, signed and numbered by the artist. There are only 50 prints in the series.

If you’d like one for yourself, please let me know. Each print is $30 (CAD) plus $10 shipping. Payment can be made through PayPal.

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