More Tarot Toys …

November 21st, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Just yesterday I posted about the magical Wishcraft Trio Set and suggested that I might like one for Christmas.

Today, I came across another fantastic Tarot toy I’d be happy to see under my tree.

It’s the The Tarot: A Fortune Jigsaw Puzzle by Buffalo Games Inc. What fun!

It’s a puzzle that becomes a Tarot layout, with a Tarot deck included for your reading pleasure.

I can’t believe I’ve never seen it before, but apparently it’s been around since 2002. I was slow to discover it, but it’s on my list now.

Check out Teresa Michelsen’s review of the Fortune Jigsaw at Tarot Passages to learn more.

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Puzzling Over Tarot

March 9th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

Tarot Ravensburger Puzzle 200

Tarot Ravensburger

They started on February 19th and nine days later they were done.

Floridians Tim and Peggy Baker patiently organized and connected 2000 little pieces of cardboard until the fantasy figures from Ciro Marchetti’s Legacy of the Divine finally appeared.

And they filmed the whole thing.

3.7 pounds of Ravensburger puzzle. Wow.

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