Listening to the Earth: A Gaian Retreat

September 13th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

If you’re looking for a Tarot retreat to truly inspire the divine within, you might consider Joanna Powell Colbert’s Listening to the Earth: A Gaian Retreat in Ancaster, Ontario.

Powell Colbert is the creatrix of the beautiful earth-centered Gaian Tarot, newly released by Llewellyn in mass market format.

She’ll be giving the keynote talk at the retreat, as well as teaching workshops with local teachers and shamans.

Toronto’s own James Wells will be there, as will Bev Haskins, Andrea Mathieson, and Jeannette McCullough. Musical entertainment will be provided by Craig Olson.

The countryside will be stunning, the topics illuminating, and the company inspiring. Throw Tarot into the mix and it’s the perfect weekend.

The retreat will be held at the Caterbury Hills Retreat Centre October 7th to 9th. There’s only room for 36 participants, so tickets will go fast.

Here’s a video of images from the Gaian Tarot featuring Circle Song by Craig Olson.

Joanna Powell Colbert, James Wells, and Bev Haskins were on Beyond Worlds this past Sunday – if you missed it, you can listen here.

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